Monday, July 27, 2015

How To: Flip Over A Manual Pallet Jack

Have you ever wondered how to properly turn over a manual pallet jack... without potentially damaging the unit? 

Wonder no more. There is a safe way to turn over your pallet jack and expose the undercarriage... and we'd like to show you, so we've created a new line of instructional 'How To' videos.

Be sure to check out Generic Parts Service YouTube channel for more 'How To' Videos:

Remove load wheels 

Install load wheels

Replace the load wheels on a pallet jack

Turn the manual jack back upright

Replace the steer wheels on a manual pallet jack

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Multiton M Manual Pallet Jack

For your Multiton M manual pallet jack we have replacement load wheels pre-assembled bearings pressed in.

Did you know...

Model 'M' hydraulic units are attached to the frame with a roll pin. Entry rollers are also held on by roll pin. In addition, you'll know your jack is model M if it has a hand release and vertical pump piston.

Part # MU 325-P

Load wheel assembly

Part # MU 90164-ST

Steer wheel assembly

Don't see what you need? View all our available parts for Multiton.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Mobile ECO I-55 Manual Pallet Jack

For your Mobile ECO I-55 manual pallet truck we have load wheel and complete wheel kits. Each kit includes all the hardware you need for wheel replacement.

Did you know...

Bushings are designed to wear out sooner than the mating parts. They are made of softer material and are expendable.

Pallet Jack Pros recommended that anytime the jack is torn down where the bushings are accessible, that they should be replaced. This will ensure longer life of the jack and will reduce the amount of downtime.


Load wheel kit

Part # MO 12EI55

Hydraulic pump seal kit

Don't see what you need? View all our available parts for Mobile.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Multiton TM Manual Pallet Jack

For your Multiton TM manual pallet jack we offer super seal kits, which allow you to completely rebuild a hydraulic pump. Standard seal kits are also available.

Need a change of wheels? Replacement wheel kits remove the hassle by including everything necessary for wheel replacement inside one compact conveniently labeled package. Available as load wheel and complete wheel kits.

To minimize downtime same day shipping is available.

Part # GWK-TM-LW

Load wheel kit

Part # MU 200064-901

Hydraulic pump seal kit

Don't see what you need? View all our available parts for Multiton. 

Mobile MLX55 Pallet Jack

Look what we have available for your Mobile MLX55 manual pallet truck. Prepackaged wheel kits are available through Generic Parts Service. All necessary hardware for wheel replacement included inside each kit. 

Did you know...

Steer wheels should turn freely and not rub the bottom of the traverse. If they do, check for the correct installation of the snap ring under the traverse.

If a wheel's diameter is worn more than 1/4" from the normal size, replacement is necessary. Remember: always replace wheels in pairs.

Part # GWK-MLX55-LW

Load wheel kit

Part # MO 12X3025

Hydraulic seal kit

Don't see what you need? View all of our available parts for Mobile.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mobile ML45 Mini Pallet Jack

For your Mobile ML45 manual pallet truck we offer load and steer wheel assemblies, complete with bearings. Pallet Jack Pros recommend to always change the wheels in pairs to reduce uneven wear. 

Wheels should be free of flat spots and debris. If the wheel has cracks, loose tread, or does not turn freely, replace both wheels.

Seal kits and handle assemblies are also available.

Part # 203M-A

Poly load wheel assembly

Part # MO 3022-1

Handle assembly

Don't see what you need? View all other available parts for Mobile.

How much hydraulic fluid?

How much hydraulic fluid is needed to fill the hydraulic unit of a Crown PTH or PTH50? This hydraulic unit takes about 16 ounces or one pint...