Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Instructional Video: How to replace the handle on your pallet jack

For when you're looking to replace the handle on your manual pallet jack...

Research the necessary replacement parts and place your order with us online
Step-by-step repair videos are available to help you complete the task!

First, make sure you have the tools you'll need for handle removal & re-installation:

  • 3/16" Pin punch
  • 3mm Allen Wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Pliers

Next, follow along with the video below: 

Be sure to check out Generic Parts Service YouTube channel for more 'How To' Videos:

Remove load wheels

Install load wheels

Replace the wheels on a pallet jack

Turn the manual jack back upright

Replace the steer wheels on a manual pallet jack

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