Thursday, January 26, 2023

What's a string guard?

Generic Parts offers string guard design for your lift trucks load wheels. What is that and why would I want it?

A warehouse is hardly spotless clean. With all the movement and work going on dirt, debris and dust easily accumulate. 

String guards are small "ledges" added to your washer. It keeps debris off your axles and prevents premature wheel and bearing failure.

String guard designs offer improved performance on your electric lift truck.

Wheel assemblies including string guards are available for the following lift truck models:

Crown PE3000/PE4000/PE4500

Crown WP2300/WP3000 series

Hyster W40Z/45Z/50Z

Hyster W45ZHD

Hyster B60Z/B80Z/C60Z/C80Z/W60Z/W80Z

Hyster B60ZHD

Multiton ELE/45

Yale MPB040E/MPB045E

Yale MPB045VG

Yale MPE060/MPE080

When the time comes for replacing parts you can refer to our step-by-step video instructions.
And you can find any parts you might need on our website.

Need Help Identifying your pallet jack?  Email us a close-up, side-view photo of the hydraulic unit on our pallet jack.  The pump is the main ID point and we help you identify your mystery jack. If you are looking for wheels, be sure to include the diameter and width.

Send your photo and request to: 

How much hydraulic fluid?

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