Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Step-by-step: How to replace the load wheels on your pallet jack

Load wheels are the most worn - and easiest replaceable - part on your jack

Ensure your load wheels are in top working condition, otherwise, you risk damaging your jack, the load, and even yourself! To ensure even movement of your jack we recommend always replacing both rollers. 

Tools needed: Hammer, 3/16" pin punch, 3/8" pin punch, pliers

First, flip the jack over.

Next, remove the worn rollers: Drive out the locking pin on both sides of the rollers, using your 3/16" pin punch. Then, with your 3/8" pin punch, drive out the axle. Remove the old wheels.

Now slide the axle through the bracket, so you can place a washer on it. Line up the hole for the locking pin with the hole on the bracket. Hold the new load wheel between the brackets and slide the axle through. Just before the axle reaches the second bracket, slide on the second washer, and drive your axle the rest of the way through. Tap with the hammer to get it all the way through.

Take your 3/16" pin punch and block the hole on one side with the pin punch. This will hold the axle in place when you install your locking pin. Hold the pin with the pliers and drive it in place with the hammer. Take the pin punch out and place the 2nd pin. Repeat on the other fork.

That's it!

Here is the video 

We offer convenient load wheel kits for most brands and models.

Or you can get a complete wheel kit with load wheels, steer wheels, and all necessary hardware.

On both kits, you get the hardware for free.

Make sure to visit our website for any other parts you might need, also for 
and more.

Call us at 800-331-0839 

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