Monday, March 10, 2025

How much hydraulic fluid?

How much hydraulic fluid is needed to fill the hydraulic unit of a Crown PTH or PTH50?

This hydraulic unit takes about 16 ounces or one pint (about half a liter) of hydraulic fluid.

What you can do is to add the hydraulic fluid right into the unit, just keep adding until the unit is about halfway full without the RAM installed. 
In other words, the fluid level should be about one inch above the seal. Again, if you want to
measure, it's about 16 ounces.

We recommend using Hydraulic fluid Grade AW32 - AW68.

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How much hydraulic fluid?

How much hydraulic fluid is needed to fill the hydraulic unit of a Crown PTH or PTH50? This hydraulic unit takes about 16 ounces or one pint...