Monday, August 10, 2015

How To: Install Load Wheels on Pallet Jack

Looking to install new load wheels on your manual pallet jack? Let us help !

Tools you'll need for load wheel installation are a pin punch, hammer and snap ring pliers. 

Begin by properly turning over the pallet jack to expose undercarriage section.

Next, set axle into load roller bracket and install washer. Add load wheel to axle, then feed axle through load wheel while keeping roll pins in line with bracket holes. Gently knock axle all the way through the load wheel and load wheel bracket with a hammer. Use the pin punch to hold roll pin holes in place.

Finally, softly hammer roll pins in place. Repeat other side of fork.

Be sure to check out Generic Parts Service YouTube channel for more 'How To' Videos:

Remove load wheels 

Install load wheels

Replace the load wheels on a pallet jack

Turn the manual jack back upright

Replace the steer wheels on a manual pallet jack

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