Monday, December 7, 2020

You need to replace the load wheels on your pallet jack.

Your load wheels are worn?

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to replace them.
It's easier than you might think!

Removal of worn load wheels

  • Raise forks to full lift height.
  • Turn the jack upside down. Here is a video that shows you how to safely turn the jack.

  • Remove the load wheel axle fastener using two 3/4" wrenches (LCU) or a 3/8" Allen wrench (CF).

  • Slide the load wheel axle out. When removing a badly rusted or damaged axle use a 1/2" pin punch and hammer to drive the axle out.

Always replace both wheels!

Installation of the new wheels

  • Install sleeve into load wheel bearing and position washers on sleeve - one on each side of the wheel.
  • Place load wheel, sleeve, and washers inside bracket assembly in line with holes in the bracket with sleeve.

  • Insert axle through bracket, securing load wheel. Install lock nut and tighten. Same on the other fork.

That's it! You can also watch our step-by-step video on how to replace the load wheels.

Need to order new load wheels? We have a wide selection of different material wheels for most brands of pallet jacks.

And if you need new steer wheels too, order the pre-packaged wheel kits
you get the high quality wheels, and the hardware - axles, washers, etc. - comes for free. 
We recommend to have an extra kit on hand as to avoid costly downtime.

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