Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Safety Risks around pallet jacks

Pallet Jacks can pose unique safety risks.  

To know them means to avoid them!

Sufficient clearance

Catching on something is the biggest issue for pallet jacks! Make sure loads are high enough off the ground. Check your route in advance, keep the warehouse clean, and remove anything obstructing the path. 


Never use non-motorized jacks on or near ramps. Pulling up a ramp risks injuries and could lead you to lose your grip, letting the jack pick up momentum and go off uncontrolled. Pushing could have them roll backward and risk running over you and others.

Pulling the load 

Never pull the load! You have to work much harder when pulling the jack and puts considerable strain on your back. Also if you need to stop short, the jack can run into you or cause you to turn in ways that risk muscle pulls, slips, and so on.

Overloading the jack

Know the maximum load limit of the pallet jack you are operating. Never overload! Make sure loads are stacked evenly on the forks before moving the pallet jack. Keep loads as close to the ground as possible.

We recommend:

Test before using

Check your jack daily: make sure the wheels are rolling easily and do not have flat spots. Check the forks before loading to ensure they are not damaged. Make sure there is no fluid leaking from the hydraulic unit. Rotate the handles, raise and lower the jack, and test the controls on the pallet jack to make sure everything is working properly before adding a load.

Here you can watch a video on basic troubleshooting. 

how to basic troubleshoot.

If any defects or issues are found during the inspection do not operate the pallet jack and report immediately.

Always wear gloves and hard-toed boots

As with any job in the warehouse, workers need to have the right wearable safety equipment. Heavy-duty gloves protect in the event of pinching, and boots ensure protection in case an item or the whole jack falls on their foot.


Replace worn wheels and damaged parts immediately

Worn wheels can make the jack wobble, and wear and damage other parts. Damaged forks, handles, and other parts risk damaging the load, or worse, the user. Call us for quality replacement parts and we'll ship them the same day. We recommend having an extra set of load wheels on hand.

Take a look at our convenient and cost-effective pre-packaged wheel kits.

Not sure how to replace a handle, or a steer wheel? Watch our easy-to-follow videos on YouTube on how to do basic repairs on your pallet jack.

Need any other replacement parts? You'll find them on our website - or call one of our knowledgeable Customer Service Reps. 

Disclaimer: These are recommendations and cautions. This list hits important points but does not claim to be complete.

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