Monday, August 31, 2015

Global 334475 Manual Pallet Jack Parts Support

Need replacement wheels for your Global 334475 manual pallet jack?

We offer replacement load wheel kits, complete wheel kits, and seal kits for repair on your hydraulic pump. Load wheel kits contain two load wheels with bearings installed, axles, and all fasteners required for installation. 
Complete kit include all items from the load wheel kit plus the steer wheel, steer wheel axle, and all hardware required for installation.
Not sure where to start? 
Be sure to check out Generic Parts Service YouTube channel for 'How To' Videos:

Part # GWK-334475-LW

Load wheel kit

Part # HL 99

Hydraulic pump repair seal kit

Don't see what you need? View all our available parts for Global

How To: Turn Manual Pallet Jack Upright

Have you ever wondered if there's a better way to turn over your manual pallet jack? 

There is a proper way to turn your pallet jack back upright once you've replaced wheels and/or other worn items located on the undercarriage... and we can show you !

Be sure to check out Generic Parts Service YouTube channel for more 'How To' Videos:

Remove load wheels

Install load wheels

Replace the load wheels on a pallet jack

Replace the steer wheels on a manual pallet jack

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Pramac GS22 Manual Pallet Jack

For your Pramac GS22 manual pallet jack we offer load and steer wheel assemblies. Each wheel assembly comes with bearings installed.

Did you know...

The term "bearing" is derived from the verb "to bear". A bearing being a machine element that allows one part to bear another. 

Call or visit us online. Generic Parts Service ships same day to minimize downtime !

Part # PC S0002010328

Load wheel assembly

Part # PC G090001

Hydraulic pump seal kit

Don't see what you need? View all our available parts for Pramac GS22.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Palletmaster HSW Parts Support

For your Palletmaster HSW manual pallet jack we have replacement load and steer wheel assemblies available. We also offer seal kits for your hydraulic pumps.

Did you know...

Too much or too little oil can cause your pallet jack to become in-operable? Call us if you're experiencing insufficient lifting we can help !

Generic Parts Service ships same day to minimize your downtime.

Part # PM 01.05-A

Load wheel assembly

Part # PM HSW

Hydraulic pump seal kit

Don't see what you need? View all our available parts for Palletmaster HSW.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Pallet Mule AA5500 Manual Pallet Jack

For your Pallet Mule AA5500 manual pallet jack we offer both load wheel and complete wheel kits. Complete wheel kits include a steer wheel with two load wheels assembled with bearings, plus all the necessary hardware for wheel replacement.

Did you know...

A simple change of wheels will extend the life of your pallet jack, and reduce industrial waste. That's thinking green.


Complete wheel kit

Part # PU AA-68-Complete

Handle assembly

Don't see what you need? View all other available parts for Pallet Mule AA5500.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Pallet Mule AA5000 Manual Pallet Jack

For your Pallet Mule AA5000 manual pallet jack we have load and complete wheel kits available. Each kit includes all of the necessary hardware for wheel replacement.

Also available for this unit are hydraulic seal kits, handle assemblies, and other hard parts.

Technical assistance is free of charge and available upon request !


Load wheel kit

Part # PU AA-76-5000

Hydraulic pump seal kit

Don't see what you need? View all of our available Pallet Mule parts.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Multiton TM 55 Manual Pallet Jack

For your Multiton TM 55 manual pallet jack we have prepackaged load wheel kits available. Each wheel kit contains two load wheels assembled with bearings, plus all the hardware you need for wheel replacement. 

Also available for this unit are seal kits for hydraulic pump rebuilding and hard parts. Ask us about assemblies that will save you time !

Part # GWK-TM55-LW

Load wheel kit

Part # MU 50410142-AM

Handle assembly

Don't see what you need? View all available parts for Multiton TM 55.

Monday, August 10, 2015

How To: Install Load Wheels on Pallet Jack

Looking to install new load wheels on your manual pallet jack? Let us help !

Tools you'll need for load wheel installation are a pin punch, hammer and snap ring pliers. 

Begin by properly turning over the pallet jack to expose undercarriage section.

Next, set axle into load roller bracket and install washer. Add load wheel to axle, then feed axle through load wheel while keeping roll pins in line with bracket holes. Gently knock axle all the way through the load wheel and load wheel bracket with a hammer. Use the pin punch to hold roll pin holes in place.

Finally, softly hammer roll pins in place. Repeat other side of fork.

Be sure to check out Generic Parts Service YouTube channel for more 'How To' Videos:

Remove load wheels 

Install load wheels

Replace the load wheels on a pallet jack

Turn the manual jack back upright

Replace the steer wheels on a manual pallet jack

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Multiton S Foot Control Manual Pallet Jack

For your Multiton 'S' Foot control pallet jack we stock replacement parts which include load and steer wheels assembled with bearings. Line drawings for this unit are available online.

Hydraulic seal kits are also available for same day shipping. Technical assistance is available free of charge.

To minimize downtime same day shipping is available !

Part # MU 325-P

Load Wheel Assembly

Part # MU 21719

Hydraulic Pump Seal Kit

Don't see what you need? View all of our available Multiton S parts.

Monday, August 3, 2015

How To: Remove Load Wheels On Manual Pallet Jack

Looking to replace load wheels on your manual pallet jack? We can help !

Tools you'll need for wheel removal are a pin punch and hammer. Begin by properly turning over the pallet jack to expose undercarriage section.

Next, knock out the roll pins found on both sides of the load roller bracket using the pin punch. Taking out the roll pins will allow you to remove the load roller axle then the load wheel.

Be sure to check out Generic Parts Service YouTube channel for more 'How To' Videos:

Remove load wheels 

Install load wheels

Replace the load wheels on a pallet jack

Turn the manual jack back upright

Replace the steer wheels on a manual pallet jack

Let Generic Parts help you identify your pallet jack!

  When it comes time to repair your manual pallet jack, knowing what brand and model you have is crucial.  We make it easy to identify your ...