Wednesday, November 14, 2018

When should I replace my wheels?

A common question we run across in pallet jack maintenance is "When do I replace the wheels on our equipment"? Of course you may need it when if it's dropped off a dock but your equipment will last longer if regular routine maintenance is performed.

To help out our customers we've created this reference guide  for manual pallet jack steer wheels and load wheels.  Below is a brief overview of the process, however we recommend printing it out for the full details and storing with your reference material.  We advise performing the below inspection points every 6 months.

Pallet Jack Wheel Inspection 

1. Test raise & lower function. If unit will not lift, bleed hydraulic unit by pumping handle 10 times with control lever in release position.

2. Once you have verified that the pallet jack will raise and lower, inspect both steer wheels and load wheels. Replace wheels if worn down .25" from new, debris is embedded in material or inhibiting the wheel from turning freely.

Note: Always replace both load wheels or steer wheels even if only one wheel meets the criteria for replacement.

3. Inspect the entry rollers. If they do not turn freely or are visibly damaged, replace.

Pre-Packaged Wheel Kits

Once you know you need to replace a set of Load Wheels, Steer Wheels (or both), a Pre-Packaged Wheel Kit is the best option on the market.  We were the first in the industry to create Pre-Packaged Wheel Kits.  They are in stock and ready to ship same day for most manual and electric pallet jack models.  Our goal is to make routine maintenance as easy as possible and we are excited to see how popular they have become among technicians.

Pre-Packaged Load Wheel kits for electric and manual lifts come ready to install.  You'll receive a pair of load wheels assembled with bearings plus the axles and fasteners.  Have you ever encountered rusted axles that had to be cut off? Maybe you are cursed with roll pins or snap rings that flew away. Complete every job the first time by showing up with all the components you need.

Pre-Packaged Complete Wheel Kits for manual pallet jacks come with all components you receive in a Load Wheel Kit, plus both steer wheels, bearings, steer wheel axle and fasteners. It's a great idea to have a couple extras in stock to stay ahead of emergencies, (as in the jack fell off the dock and now can't unload that shipment).

We do understand customers who want to be frugal by re-using axles if possible. To that end, in many cases the kits are less expensive than ordering even just the wheels separately.  After 30+ years of putting our customers first we feel bad when an additional order has to be placed for a second load wheel or axles (or those air-born roll pins!).  No one wants to pay shipping twice and wait days for delivery.

Check out the Extensive model lists we carry Wheel Kits for:
Electric lift trucks

What to do if you find the axles are rusted or frozen in place and you need some guidance?  We've got you covered there as well. We have a collection of YouTube videos to guide you.  Check out the links below!                             

How-to videos:

Save ...
...Time with Same-Day Shipping
... Money with Free Shipping on Orders over $450*

*Commercial ground shipping within Continental US Only.  Some items excluded

Ready to learn more or place an order? 
Call our highly knowledgeable customer service  (800)331-0839 
or email      

Friday, October 19, 2018

On Board Chargers - Walkie Trucks

Generic Parts Service is the world's largest supplier of aftermarket pallet jack parts. We originate and supply of over 200,000 parts. Our offering includes durable undercarriage components, quality wiring harnesses, and the focus of this blog post - On-Board chargers for Class III electric lift trucks!

On-Board Chargers are the life blood of a shipping or delivery operation. Never be caught without the power you need! We help keep your equipment running with high quality On-Board Chargers for the most popular brands:

All our On-Board Chargers are brand new and carry a 90 day warranty against manufacturer defects. We also provide a complete operations manual.  

What about the newest pallet jacks?  It's our goal to stay on top of replacement parts for the newest models, and chargers for the Lithium-Ion batteries on Class III electric lift trucks like the Hyster W45ZHD and Yale MPB045VG are no exception.

Ready to learn more or place an order? Call our highly knowledgeable customer service staff at (800) 331-0839 or e-mail

You can also check out our full library of How To videos here

Save ...
...Time with Same-Day Shipping
... Money with Free Shipping on Orders over $450*

*Commercial ground shipping within Continental US Only.  Some items excluded

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Improved Tiller Arm - Yale MPB 040E / MPW 050 E Series & Hyster W40Z

New improved design meets or exceeds manufacturer's specifications!

30 years ago we proudly made a commitment to only provide products that hold an "OEM quality or better" standard. We dig in, do our research and invest in high grade components. 
We take feedback from our customers seriously and investigate how and where we can improve. We make revisions, additions and do not cut corners.

It’s also true when an updated design is released from a manufacturer. We pay attention. Yale saw some areas they could improve on the Tiller Arm for some of their popular Walkie models.  In keeping our promise of dependable quality to you we of course followed suit. We are excited to announce stock of our new improved design based on the manufacturer's specification is available and ready for purchase.   

Here are the part numbers affected:

These Tiller Arms now come with:

  • A Welded Gusset
  • A Thicker Steel Plate (5mm)
  • 6mm set screw holes added to secure shoulder bolts
  • 6mm continuous and precision plug welds throughout

*This part is eligible for free UPS ground shipping if included in an order totaling $450 or more. 

Check out our website for more information on more Electric Lift Truck parts we support. 

Not finding a part you need?  Contact the Customer Service Team at 1-800-331-0839 or send us an e-mail to

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Replacing a Pallet Jack Handle

For the last 15 years most pallet jacks have been manufactured in two main types of handle design. The dimensions and parts themselves will be unique to each brand. The vast majority of pallet jacks have a release lever in the center of the handle frame within the handle loop. This lever controls whether the unit is in lift mode, release mode or neutral. The bottom of the handle can attach to a bracket with the bracket connecting to the pump (style A).  

The second common design is a handle frame that connects directly to the pump (style B – see Valu-Jack photo below). All newer handles have an lower axle with a roller around it. This roller makes contact with a cap or washer that sits on the handle return spring. This spring surrounds the pump piston. As the handle is pumped up and down the roller compresses the spring and piston. This is what causes movement of the hydraulic oil through the pump and forces the pallet jack frame to lift. The spring then returns the handle to the upright position.

If a handle is out of adjustment or damaged it can be difficult to operate while at the same time causing a safety hazard for the operator. Routine maintenance will minimize downtime, extend the overall life of your equipment and ensure safety when used.

Here is the maintenance protocol we recommend every 6 months minimum.  Perform in shorter intervals if your equipment is in a high use environment.

- Inspect the handle frame for cracks and structural integrity.

- There should be minimal side play (from left to right or up and down if you wiggle it) in the handle socket. 

- Check for worn bushings. If bushings are not replaced regularly handle bracket holes can become worn. Damaged holes cause pin failure and may require complete handle replacement.

- Inspect the roller for flat areas and wear.

- Inspect the handle return spring for any cracks or failure to raise the handle completely vertical.

- Test handle release lever in all positions (Lift/Lower/neutral) and check proper tension in the control lever linkage.

- Replace any of the hard parts are worn more than 1/16".

We've created some videos YouTube Channel all about handles to,  check them out below.

* Here is a video on how to adjust the handle on your pallet jack

* Here is a video on installing the handle

* Here is a video on testing your handle

When the time come to replace your handle just follow this link to find your brand and model!

Monday, July 9, 2018

Which load wheel is best?

You need wheels for a pallet jack. 

Have you ever gone online or studied a catalog and thought "Aren't all pallet jack wheels the same?" or "I have no idea what I need!"? Or maybe you service pallet jacks and the wheels just are not lasting as long as you (or the person paying the bills) would like?

In this post, we are going to take a look at the different load wheel options we offer, and their pros and cons.

Load Wheel Options;

Polyurethane and Ultra-Polyurethane treads are the most common wheel treads you'll encounter on a pallet truck.

Polyurethane (Poly) Tread WheelsThese have a chemical bond that secures the poly tread to a steel core (or hub). This option is ideal for display floors, carpeting, and warehouses. They mark floors the least while rolling easily and quietly. Under really heavy loads (2,500lb +), if left to sit more than 8 hours, there is a possibility of the wheels flat spotting.  

Ultra-Poly Wheels: Longer lasting and they roll more easily than regular poly, also a chemical bond on a steel core. Ultra-poly is very hard and won't shatter like nylon if too cold (i.e. in and out of a freezer). They are also non-marking with the possibility of flat spotting, as mentioned above.

red Ultra-Poly Load Wheel with bearings

Nylon Wheels: This is a harder material that is best for cold storage applications. It is also the material of choice for use in environments that may cause rust or corrosion like poultry processing, and working with seafood. It can also be the best choice for refrigerated transport trucks that have the grated floors. Lastly, they can be a good choice if the pallet truck is taken outside on rough pavement. These are however more likely than poly to mark floors, so be mindful when using inside a showroom or a hotel lobby, for example.

White solid nylon load wheel with bearings

Steel Wheels: When all else fails you may need solid steel wheels. These are best for use on factory floors where there may be metal shavings or hard debris on the floor, and where noise is not an issue. What they lack in their ability for use in a sneak attack (they’re pretty loud) they make up for in sheer durability. These are also a good choice if you need to work outside on rough asphalt. But they can damage nice floors, so avoid use on floors you want to remain "pretty". 

Solid steel load wheel with bearings

One Wheel or Two?

Now that you've got an idea of which type of wheel is best for your specific uses you are faced with another sometimes tough decision. One wheel or two?

First, most pallet jacks have two load wheels. One load wheel is located under each fork. At times you'll have what's called a tandem assembly which means there are two wheels under each fork but they share the same bracket.

Unless a pallet jack is brand new, we always recommend replacing both load wheels at the same time. No, we are not just trying to up-sell you! There is a legitimate benefit
, so hang on with me for a little longer. Have you ever gone to have the tires on your vehicle replaced and told the sales guy you only wanted one? You probably got the funny squinty eyes from the sales guy for this same reason.  

Load wheels wear down and get shorter the longer you have used them. Load wheels (like pallet jack steer wheels or the tires on your car) do not act independently but are a portion of a larger machine. Even a little difference in diameter causes stress on the mating (aka connected) parts which then causes issues down the line. One example would be of the pivot axles that are located the load wheel brackets eating through the bushings
, or egging out the holes in that bracket or where they articulate (attach) in the fork frame. You may not notice there is an issue until something breaks, or you go to replace that originally unchanged wheel and find you need a whole new bracket on one or both sides. 

Trust us that replacing the whole load wheel bracket is more time consuming and expensive than choosing two wheels during regular maintenance.

Because we so strongly advocate changing both at the same time we created wheel kits to get you everything you need, and they are priced lower than the two wheels by themselves. Here is an example - GWK-BF-LW


Extra Resources

Here are some more links you may find handy as you venture down the road of replacing your load wheels

Have a suggestion for a future blog post?  

Need help ordering parts from  

Give our friendly Customer Service team a call at 800-331-0839 or e-mail us at 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Safely turn over a jack

Sometimes we encounter a question like "Is routine maintenance really needed on a pallet jack?" The simple answer is yes, routine maintenance is important when it comes to getting the most out of your pallet jack.  Depending on the size of your operation a pallet jack may be replaceable or it may very well be an integral part of the the livelihood of your whole company.  Where ever you may land in the spectrum we can all agree throwing money away through lack of maintenance can negatively impact the bottom line. 

Most of the parts you'll need to keep an eye on are found in the underbelly of the unit. We want to give you practical instructions on how to safely to get to the underside of your pallet jack for two reasons.  First,  let's get rid of a potential excuse to put off the inspection for lack of know-how.  Second, because the breaking toes, twisting of wrists or damaging of the pallet jack defeats the goal to support your bottom line. (No one wants a Worker's Comp Claim).

The best way to turn over your pallet jack and expose the undercarriage keeps you and your equipment safe. We've created a line of instructional 'How To' videos and below you'll find a link to one on safely flipping over a manual pallet jack.  

YouTube - How to flip your jack.

Once you have it turned over and still have full use of all your fingers and toes the next question is "What should I be looking for?"

Start with the Pallet Jack Wheel Inspection (Load and Steer)
Measure the Wheel diameters. Are they worn down 0.25” or more from new?  (I.e. 3” diameter load wheel worn to 2.75” or 7” diameter steer wheel worn to 6.75”)

Is there excessive debris embedded in the wheel tread or chunks of the polyurethane tread material missing?

Are there strings or other material wound around the axle preventing the wheel from turning freely?

Do you see visible cracking of the steer wheel hub around the bearing?

Always replace both load wheels or steer wheels even if only one wheel meets the
criteria for replacement.

Inspect the entry rollers. If they do not turn freely or are visibly damaged, replace.

We recommend performing the above inspection every 6 months

Be sure to check out Generic Parts Service YouTube channel for more 'How To' Videos:

Remove load wheels 

Install load wheels

Replace the load wheels on a pallet jack

Turn the manual jack back upright

Replace the steer wheels on a manual pallet jack

© Copyright 2016, Generic Parts Service Inc.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

How to replace corroded Load Wheels

How many of you have wondered how in the world you're going to replace those rusty corroded load wheel axles?  It's no laughing matter when you're face to face with many a different variation of old, broken and rusty.  We hope the resources you find in this post gets the old off and the new rolling smoothly! 

Below you'll find a link where you can follow along with our expert technician so let's get that pallet jack up and running like brand new again!

- First, you'll want to research the necessary replacement parts and place your order online.  The easiest way to get what you need is by ordering a complete wheel kit.  

These kits include new wheels, axles and the fasteners.  Here is one example of the load wheel kit on the Global Pallet Jack model 334475, part number GWK-334475-LW

Click here to see all the wheel kits we have available for manual and electric lift trucks

- Next you'll want to make sure you have all of the required tools on-hand for removal & re-installation:
  • Safety Glasses
  • Hammer
  • Pliers
  • 3/16" Pin Punch
  • 3/8" Pin Punch
  • Hack Saw/Sawzall

Next, follow along with this video !

Be sure to check out Generic Parts Service YouTube channel for more videos:

What other instructional pallet jack repair videos would you like to see?
Comment below and let us know!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Are all new Pallet Jacks the same?

This blog focuses a lot on helping folks be as efficient as possible when having to repair their pallet jacks.  

BUT - Sometimes the jack is just dead.  No number of helpful tips, perfectly priced kits or incredibly helpful customer service reps will save this pile of junk.

We get it.

But what is the time crunched busy person supposed to do?  The internet is full of cheap jacks.  What's really the difference?

Here are some really important factors to consider when looking at buying a new jack.

1st - You get what you pay for.  Seriously. Cost should honestly NOT be the only factor in your decision making process.  Why?  Because we hear far to often the frustration in a customer's voice when they call 6-12 months after purchasing a pallet jack and the handle bent, or it won't lift.  We are pretty awesome with our replacement parts coverage (have you read the post about how we can help you ID your replacement parts?) but no one wants to work on a new piece of equipment that soon.

2nd- Does the company you are considering carry replacement parts? Do they have real people you can talk to who can help you find what you need?

3rd - What are the terms of the warranty?  Is there a warranty?  Does the company you want to order from carry the replacement parts at their location or do they have to contact their source?

Generic Parts is the perfect company to chose to order your new pallet jacks from.

1. Although we are not the cheapest (and honestly don't want to be), you'll be hard pressed to find a jack that has the same quality for a lower price.

2. We carry all the parts here in our Beaverton, Oregon warehouse.  You can easily order in a number of formats.  Heck, if your local come drop in for a will call.  Our casa is your casa (between 8am-4pm)

3. We offer a 3 year limited warranty.  Why is this important?  Because this is our jack, and we sell all the replacement parts so we can get you out a warranty replacement Same day.  QA issues are few and far between but you can always trust that we will get you taken care of! 

The new Valu-Jack 2.0 is better than ever. Each unit features a cast iron pump for superior long term reliability. Another improvement we've made is a reinforced handle base with an ergonomic rubber grip.

VJ 27X48-55-2 $ 239.00 each*
*for six   Please call for pricing on quantities other than six.

  • 210° steering arc
  • 2.9" height with forks lowered,
  • 7.25" raised height
  • Cast iron pump with galvanized finish for superior corrosion resistance and long term reliability
  • Poly/steel steer wheels; solid nylon load wheels
  • Ergonomic rubber grip handle 
  • 3-function hand control and foot release
  •  Reinforced handle base
  • Three-year limited warranty covering manufacturer's defects
  • Equipped with pallet entry and exit rollers
  • Scratch resistant powdercoat and zinc-plated hardware throughout 
  • provides added resistance to corrosion.
  • 12 grease fittings located at all pivot points for easy maintenance
  • Replacement parts always in stock.
Valu-Jack Pallet Jack Version 2 Model Numbers indicate Width x Length of forks
VJ 27X48-55-25500 lb Capacity Standard Forks 239.00
VJ 27X48-55-2-N5500 lb Capacity Standard Forks with Nylon Load and Steer Wheels 239.00
VJ 27X48-55-2-S5500 lb Capacity Standard Forks with Steel Load and Steer Wheels 334.00
VJ 27X48-55-2-B5500 lb Capacity Standard Forks with Brake only (No backrest) 355.00

VJ 20.5X36-55-25500 lb Capacity Narrow Short Forks 229.00
VJ 20.5X48-55-25500 lb Capacity Narrow Forks 239.00
All pricing for minimum QTY-6. For individual pricing or higher volume discounts, call today!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Seal Kits - Do you need them? Why are there so many?

Have a pallet jack that's sinking down under a load, or it won't release when you pull the lever?  Maybe it's stuck up and won't come back down to Earth. Whatever the issue is we have some tips to help you identify the cause and the parts to get you moving.

One way to trouble shoot a unit that will not lower all the way, or that you are unable to get full handle strokes is to rule out air in the system. It's quick and easy!  All you need to do is Pump the handle 15-20 times while activating the release lever.  Make sure you remove the fill cap first!  This is where the air will escape from. If oil is coming out while you are working through this process it's an indicator that you are not fully in release mode.

If your lift sinks down under a load, you can unhook the chain from the release pin and allow the pin to come out of the valve.  This allows the ball to seat, and may remedy the issue.  If not, it can be an indicator that the valve is honed out and no longer creates a tight seal when the ball seats.

If you have a unit that will not go down, check the release rod and make sure everything is moving freely.  Do the same on the underside of the jack.

Sometimes you just need to do a tear down of the hydraulic unit and rebuild it with a seal kit. Every manufacturer originally included a variation of different parts.  We have found in many cases that there are additional parts that should be replaced at the same time.  Below are outlined the differences between a super seal kit, standard and slim seal kit. 

Slim seal kits include only the most essential and commonly replaced seals. A cost saving option if you know what you need. A Standard or Super seal kit is a better choice if a complete hydraulic unit rebuild is necessary.

Standard seal kits have all of the parts included in the manufacturers' standard seal kit.

Super seal kits contain all parts that are included in a standard seal kit, as well as the most commonly needed parts beyond the standard seal kit to do a complete hydraulic unit rebuild.

When doing the repair, we encourage you to disassemble one section at a time and line up the pieces in the order you take them out.  This will save your you-know-what when you go to install the new pieces.

If you need help deciding which kit to get you can take advantage of our unmatched Customer Service. Our staff has the knowledge and experience to help you with technical problems and even assist with identifying mystery jacks.  (See this post for more on that!) We also track model changes so you can be sure to receive the correct part the first time you place an order.

On select units we have the Rebuild hydraulic unit program  available also. Email or call us today (800)331-0839!

Let Generic Parts help you identify your pallet jack!

  When it comes time to repair your manual pallet jack, knowing what brand and model you have is crucial.  We make it easy to identify your ...